To C, at 41
This is to say the cabinet is bare
Once this honey is eaten there is none
No lemons to pulp
And all that’s here is some white rice
Say we had a door
The wolves would be at it
This is the Civil War
And a letter like this letter sets out
On horse, to you in some distant theater
Does this find you well?
The children ask for hot dogs
I can’t remember when I did not love you
Can’t see a thing before you popped corn in a wok
Back to me, all tattoos
And the ghost of a Skoal ring
You dipped your fingers in a bowl of sea salt and tossed it
A magician or revival charlatan
The salt coarse and suspended in the air
I ran I hid but your salt
Followed me to the coats I was under
Melted on my lips
Please send more lemons
Bring the lemons yourself
The weight of your chest is heaviest when you are gone
Lynchburg, probably
My grandmother fed 16 cats on paper plates
wet brown lumps soaking through those plates
but the cats ate fast hard pink tongues working
and it wasn’t long before just grease circles on paper
my grandmother’s back hump
loping back up to the house bathroom outside outhouse
her foreign tongue headscarf like a Russian grandma but not Russian
grease in a Maxwell House can
the hump was the last I saw of her of that house
before she slipped away into the Blue Ridge fog with a nosebleed
came back 25 years later came at me face to face
defiant looking for a fight
I am like you she said child bride squinting and hair cut short
blood feathering up in my throat in her throat
her eyes so blue they burned
blue even in the black and white photograph

Judy Caldwell holds a BA from Greensboro College and an MFA from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Her words have appeared in The Atlas Review, Flying South, 1808 magazine, and Go Triad. She lives in Jamestown, North Carolina with daughters and pets. In all of cinema, the scene she most relates to is the one in "Coal Miner's Daughter," where Sissy Spacek as Loretta Lynn sits on a porch trying to write a song, while tending to children and kicking a washing machine