Let's Jive:
Current Deadline:
July 15th, 2022
We aim to select the slickest, jelly rollin', previously unpublished, work we receive. Send us your best to: jukejointmag@gmail.com
1. Send us no more than 4 poems or visual pieces attached as a .doc or .pdf or image (any format is acceptable) file to your email. Also, we're up with what simultaneous submissions are layin' down, but please let us know if your biscuits get picked up somewhere else! Submissions are free & accepted on a rolling basis.
2. Please don't submit more than once (per genre) per submission cycle.
3. Subject line: [Your Name]'s Po'biz Blues. (Anything else will probably get deleted. Take that to the bank.)
4. Include a brief bio with your submission to better acquaint us with your work. Be original! The world needs more interesting author bios & less of that formalized such & such.
We will respond to all submissions as promptly as possible, our goal is no more than two months. But if we don't get back to you by then, feel free to follow-up.
If your poems or visual art make it into Juke Joint, you grant us the first, electronic and digital rights to the poem(s) and/or visual art published in Juke Joint. If your work is forthcoming in a manuscript, or published somewhere else (online or print) after publication in Juke Joint, you agree to give credit to your friends at Juke Joint. Though we hope you'd do that anyway. All rights revert back to our authors upon publication.