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I chirp through my teeth, chasing the dusk-length 
ocean to its slick line down. That I am caught half-
way to next time, I miss the dawn surfacing sea,
tendering leaps over tides that pressing on through
cries of baleen whales. Now the distance from
which the absence nurses me leaves only a bed of
salt, like arms in mad 
embrace, like last hour’s air
knowing too late how it had cooed into barracks
of thirst. Sculling and falling, I am water paler than
I have ever felled love, a bird buoyed on shoulder
of the sea, whistling that pelagic sail of consolation.
Tonight, I will spice with trade winds and lavish
with fish for life, wings bluing, bill back to see
the edges of things from all sides as if I could ask
for more.

"Water on the Roosevelt" - Pearse Anderson

A four-time Pushcart Prize, five-time Best of the Net & Bettering American Poetry nominee, Lana Bella is an author of three chapbooks, Under My Dark (Crisis Chronicles Press, 2016), Adagio (Finishing Line Press, 2016), and Dear Suki: Letters (Platypus 2412 Mini Chapbook Series, 2016), has had poetry and fiction featured with over 400 journals, Acentos Review, Comstock Review, EVENT, Ilanot Review, Notre Dame Review, Rock and Sling, & Lampeter Review, among others, and work to appear in Aeolian Harp Anthology, Volume 3. Lana resides in the US and the coastal town of Nha Trang, Vietnam, where she is a mom of two far-too-clever-frolicsome imps. 

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